The stylist/barber guy (what do you call them these days?) thinned out my hair A LOT. At the end, he swept up a capybarra-sized pile of my hair. I was all like, "ooh! that's a lot of hair!" and he was like "don't freak out!" Except I wasn't freaking out...I was totally psyched to have that crap off of my head. He could have taken more.
Seriously folks...he took off (as in thinned out...he left it the same length) about 1/3 of my hair, and this is what I have left:
Totally crazy, huh? (That's not my's my giant pectoral boobs are totally not that perky)
That sign behind me in the picture? It says "clean." Part of a set that I got at the Christmas Tree Shops. Speaking of, I'm doing a little experiment with the idea of "clean." For the last three days, I haven't been washing my face with soap. Instead, I've been using warm water and just scrubbing with my hands and drying with a towel. I'm an oily person. My hair gets oily in a day - my face gets oily a little after I wash it. Not using soap is, to me, not something to take lightly.
So far, so good. My skin isn't oilier than usual and it looks kinda glowy. I'll give it a few more days and let you know what happens.
During the summer I do something similar. I was always an over washer but now that I have cut back my skin looks better. Also did the same with my hair with good results. Sometimes I just rinse is out.
Lookin' good!
I love the hair!
Your hair has such great wave to it! Lucky!
I know this is going to sound totally bass ackward, because I have a tendency to be oily skinned, too, but I started using an olive oil-based face cleanser, and I was scared to death that I'd wake up a day or two later with giant, breathing, blinking zits on my face, but WOW, it was amazing. Super soft, no breakouts. I've been impressed.
I want to trade hair. And arms.
OK so I just went through and read all your archives. I stalked you for a whole hour or so. BE AFRAID. I think you're fabulous.
My face is ridiculously hard to control. Maybe I'll try your method. I've tried everything else. Even prescription drugs clear up the acne, but leave my face either too dry or too oily.
Your hair looks great! I just discovered your blog and it looks pretty cool!
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